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4th Generation Laser InstructionsIf you purchased the USB RetinaEngrave control card, open up the control panel and just plug it into the Mach3 control card. The Mach3 card is recessed into the laser and has a DB25 female connector. RetinaEngrave USB has a DB25 male connector on one end and a mini-USB connector on the other end.The RetinaEngrave card is designed for easy removal to allow the user to run Mach3 with a parallel port.However, USB RetinaEngrave supports vector cutting and rastering and outperforms Mach3 so we do not anticipate this to be necessary anymore. 3rd Generation and DIY Install Instructions� Mach3 Control Card Upgrade and 3 ft Parallel Port Cable (optional).
The Mach3 control card replaces the NewlyDraw control board and upgrades the motor driver chips as well as the laser power controller inside the laser. The Mach3 card is used for both running Mach3 using the parallel port and running with the optional USB RetinaEngrave addon.
The NewlyDraw control card is located in the locked right compartment. Use the included keys to open the compartment. The control card can be removed with 4 screws and dowlnoad other modifications. This allows users to change between Newlydraw or Mach3/RetinaEngrave as needs enwlydraw. Note: The NewlyDraw Program only runs when the NewlyDraw control card is installed.
Mach3/RetinaEngrave only work when the Mach3 card is installed.To install the Mach3 control card: Unplug the ribbon cable, the 4 pin motor cable and the 6 pin power cable. Cut any zip ties holding the cables if necessary to achieve the sufficient length. Connect these to the Mach3 controller. The ribbon cable should have the metal contacts facing up when it is inserted into the Mach3 control card. The 6 pin connector is keyed to fit one way. The 4 pin connect has red and yellow wires which are labeled on the control card.
Screw the Mach3 card into place. It is recommended newljdraw cables be connected first then the top screw attached and last the bottom screw attached. It is only necessary to use 2 of the 4 mounting holes. Connect the Mach3 control downlkad to the PC with a DB25 M-F cable (not included) if running Mach3.Download and run the free 500 line demo from Mach3 from https://www.machsupport.com.
Mach3 is newlydraw free download advanced but powerful program and it is recommended Newlydraw (or RetinaEngrave) be used by beginners.� USB RetinaEngrave Upgrade card (optional): If you purchased the USB RetinaEngrave control card, just plug it into the Mach3 control card.
Both the Mach3 card and RetinaEngrave card are required to work together. The RetinaEngrave card is designed for easy removal to allow the user to run Mach3 with a parallel port.
However, USB RetinaEngrave supports vector cutting and rastering and outperforms Mach3 so we do not anticipate this to be necessary anymore.Click here to download the latest RetinaEngrave Software and drivers (password protected, contact Full Spectrum Laser LLC if you don't have the password).See the videos on our main page for more demos/instructions.For More Instructions or Questions Visit our Support Forums: www.fullspectrumengineering.com/forums CO2 laser machine Lite - Newlydraw cursus - Newlydraw cursus - introductie (1/4)- ���������: 6:17.MetaQuip BV - CO2 lasers - lasersnijders - lasergraveer machines - fiberlasers - 3D printers 267 ��������� Using two LS3060's and an ex 3020 xownload note I am not employed by HPC, any advice or recomendations I give are based on my own experience and are not necessarily the same as HPC's.
First point of contact on any hardware issues should be with HPC Using two LS3060's and an ex 3020 userPlease newlydraw free download I am not employed by HPC, any advice or recomendations I give are based on my own experience and are not necessarily the same as HPC's.
First point of contact on any hardware issues should be with HPC Please note I am not employed by HPC, any advice or recomendations I give are based on my own experience and are not necessarily the same as HPC's. First point of contact on any hardware issues should be with HPCDave@OpticalPower.co.uk woodndrum wrote:Hi I'm trying to source a copy of NewlyDraw. Laptop stolen (with prog installed) - can't find disc ! Grrr Can anyone help new,ydraw arthritic old man get at least my laser back to working order?Did the dongle go with it too?
You may be able to download it from www.0123.com.cnDave Using two LS3060's and an ex 3020 userPlease note I am not employed by HPC, any advice or recomendations I give are based on my own experience and are not necessarily the same as HPC's.
First point of contact on any hardware issues should be with HPC � Customer Forums� Opening over Christmas� Buying a Laser� F.A.Q�s & Tutorials� Login and say Hello� General Discussion� Useful Information Quick reference� Help or advice required please� Projects and Plans� Off Topic � What's New?� Forum� New Posts� FAQ� Calendar� Community� Groups� Albums� Member List� Forum Actions� Mark Forums Read� Quick Links� Today's Posts� View Site Leaders� Articles� Blogs� Donate� Sponsors� Friends of the Creek �If this is your first visit, be sure tocheck out the FAQ by clicking newllydraw above.
You may have to registerbefore you can post: click downnload register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages,select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. I have an Artsign JSM3040U 50 watt laser running Newlydraw thru USB.Are there any other boards I can buy so I can run a program better than Newlydraw?Are there any programs that will control this laser in place of Newlydraw?I have found out how to engrave and cut.
What I finally want to do is import images and drawings into Newlydraw and engrave/cut them, but I don't have CorelDRAW or any Cad programs. Any ideas?This Newbie thanks anyone who can help. I hope to be able to return the favor some day.FirejoeColorado You can use "inkscape" which is a free vector program to make drawings then export them as dxf files. You need to add a plugin to inkscape to export dxf.
I can't remember the exact name of the plugin but if you decide to try it I will post the link here.Newleydraw imports the dxfthis is the cheapest way rather than replacing the board which is possible but not straightforward. Hi-Tec Designs, LLC - Owner (and self-proclaimed LED guru )Trotec 80W Speedy 300 laser w/everythingCAMaster Stinger CNC (25" x 36" x 5")USCutter 24" LaserPoint Vinyl CutterJet JWBS-18QT-3 18", 3HP bandsawRobust Beauty 25"x52" wood lathe w/everythingJet BD-920W 9"x20" metal latheDelta 18-900L 18" drill pressFlame Polisher (ooooh, FIRE!)Freeware: InkScape, Paint.NET, DoubleCAD XTPaidware: Wacom Intuos4 (Large), CorelDRAW X5 Joe, dowmload here for a plugin for improved DXF output from Inkscape:https://www.bobcookdev.com/inkscape/inkscape-dxf.htmlEven without this plug-in, though, Newlydrwa should have no problem saving as a DXF.
Make sure you're selecting "Save as" and choosing the correct format from the drop-down menu. Hi-Tec Designs, LLC - Owner (and self-proclaimed LED guru )Trotec 80W Speedy 300 laser w/everythingCAMaster Stinger CNC (25" x 36" x 5")USCutter 24" LaserPoint Vinyl CutterJet JWBS-18QT-3 18", 3HP bandsawRobust Beauty 25"x52" wood lathe w/everythingJet BD-920W 9"x20" metal latheDelta 18-900L 18" drill pressFlame Polisher (ooooh, FIRE!)Freeware: InkScape, Paint.NET, Newlydraw free download XTPaidware: Wacom Intuos4 (Large), CorelDRAW X5 Joe, go here for a plugin for improved DXF output from Inkscape:https://www.bobcookdev.com/inkscape/inkscape-dxf.htmlEven without this plug-in, though, Inkscape should have no problem saving as a DXF.
Make sure you're selecting "Save as" and choosing the correct format from the drop-down menu.Both Inkscape DXF exports are lousy. I use Inkscape's PostScript export, then convert it to a DXF with pstoedit.
This technique even gets you DXF splines. yes the plugin link as in the above post.also yes inkscape should export dxf but the plugin makes it a smoother more reliable export (for me anyway)sketchup exports dxf in ffee pro versionin the free version you need another plugin to export dxfhttps://www.guitar-list.com/download.les-dxf-or-stlthere newlyddraw also some linux, free cad newlydraww I mewlydraw guys, thanks for all the input.
I've been trying so many variations my head is about to explode.I tried the plugin for Inkcape but still no "save as" .dxf option. If I try to open something in Newlydraw that isn't exactly right, if crashes.I finally created a file in Inkscape and exported as BMP, but Newlydraw still crashes when I try to open the file. What's the difference between "Import" and "Open"?Does anyone know if I can scan directly into Newlydraw?
That would be great.OpenDraw, on the other hand, will export DXF, but only drawings created in that program. I'd like to know if I can scan into OpenDraw, but it's all in French.Do you guys think if I break bewlydraw and buy CorelDraw that I will be able to successfully scan drawings and get them into Newlydraw OK?My final goal is to scan line drawings and cut them out.Frustrated In Colorado dxf is for line drawings (vector drawings) if you are scanning artwork it should be in a bitmap format and should be imported into newleydraw.
The you can use photoshop to scan and save as bmp. Or Gimp is a free photo editing program. You only need dxf for vectors.You can either cut or engrave vectors (engrave = scan option in newlydraw)you can only engrave bmp filesbuying coral draw mewlydraw necessary to do what you want.
I have the same machine and newlydraw and can do everything with the free softwares mentioned.make sure you have the latest inkscape version. I can export dxf from mine (it is on a mac but I think the pc version is the same)Last edited by carl stevenson; 11-11-2009 at 7:37 PM. Quick Navigation Engravers Forum Top� Site Areas� Settings� Private Messages� Subscriptions� Who's Online� Sea� Main Page� Forums� New Posts� FAQ� Calendar� Link to us� Forum Actions� Mark Forums Read� Quick Links� Today's Posts� View Site Leaders� Who's Online� Downloads� Forum Pictures� Forum Images� Albums� Today's Posts� Articles� Products� Supplier� Member Map� Gallery� Used Machinery Market� IndustryArena� Contact Us �If this is your first visit, be sure tocheck out the FAQ by clicking thelink above.
You may have to registerbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. To start viewing messages,select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Looking for opinion on which is better. I have tired Moshi and it worked but I was not that impressed and it has some definite flaws.
Is Newlydraw any better? Similar Threads:� Problem- Weird Corel Draw lockups with Moshi Plugin� moshi 4.6 firmware / chip id� MOSHI BOARD CONVERSION� moshi draw software� Oh Moshi! Sadly it's a bit ndwlydraw comparing rubbish to junk, each has their benefits and advantages over the other but both are effectively worthless.It really depends on what you want to do with the machine?
if it's any kind of serious business use then you will need to have LaserCUT (or equivalent) to be able to manage layers etc.Moshi and Newly are fine for hobby or occasional newlydraw free download, past that they cause more problems than they solve.best wishesDave If I knew how to put up pictures on this forum, I would attach some engravings that I have done on slate using Moshidraw.
It does a very good job. I used Corel Draw to work the picture into a state that can be dpwnload by another program from ULS. I believe it was called 1 touch photo, or something like that. I did dlwnload purchase the program as I am on a fixed income and newlydrw is just not something I am able to do.
But I would imagine, to get the results that I got with laser engraving, one would need to have the program. It is, after all, a program that Universal Laser Systems uses. It is a free download, give it a try.Milt Hi there,I dont know what motherboard you have if it is a " moshiboard V.XXX" then you out of luck you should upgrade to a DSP board like AW608 from lightobjector the DF211 from thunderlaser.then you can go with the kind of lasercut all version even the re-branded versions.a picture of your machine would help to identify what you got.greetingswalt Herby08, I do not now if you are responding to me ffree not, I have the Moshi 10105 v4.1.
I can not even imagine spending $500 for the DSP and some more money for stepper newlydraw free download at this time. I obtain excellent results when engraving newlydraw free download slate, wood, and acrylic. The engraving is done by using a 25.4 mm focal length lens. I have not tried granite yet. I am going to figure out how to post pictures on this forum so that I can put up some examples of the results I am getting.Milt Hi thereif you allready dowhload get excellent results whats the probleme then???granite is a bit more out of the ordinary you must set the power very low or a high speed that you only like scratch the surface if you want good picture because of the hardness of granite if you set the power to high means a deeper engraving the granit will break out more partical and the whole picture looks fuzzy.all granite is different you must make some tests, the best way is to start with one setting let it run a bit then pause change the setting run again and so on allways ffee the settings then look at the final which setting looks best.greetingswalt I now what board I have, it is the Moshi 10105 v4.1.
I can not even imagine spending $500 for the DSP and some more money for a stepper drivers at this time. I obtain excellent results when engraving on slate, wood, and acrylic. I have not tried granite yet. I am going to figure out how to post pictures on this forum so that I can put up some examples of the results I am getting.Milt Quick Navigation General Dodnload Engraving / Cutting Machine Discussion Top� Site Areas� Settings� Private Messages� Subscriptions� Who's Online� Search Forums� Forums Home� Forums� CNCzone.com Policies / FAQ� CNCzone's Community Policies� CNCzone.com FAQ� Events, Product Announcements Etc� News Announcements� Trade Shows / Other Events� IMTS� Atlantic Design Manufacturing Show� SOUTH-TEC� EMO-hannover� N.A.M.E.S.
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